777ALAJE's Channel
777ALAJE has no videos available.
♥ My official page in the internet since 2006 ♥ I am incarnated from the Light Dimensions of the Pleiadian Starsystem and I had a personal contact with my Pleiadian Starfamily as light-beings in front of me ♥
My documentary "COSMIC LOVE - SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING, is providing wisdom and help for everybody who want to develop spiritualy. My videos are neutral and dissociate themselves from any kind of belief systems, cults, or political views.
I am not responsible for wrong actions or lies of any other third parties and fakes that are being linked to my name or channel. No loving person can be blamed, if evil people are misusing positive information and distort and twist them into something negative.
If you want informations about me, activate your LOVE in your heart, and ask the Cosmic Awareness (God), or Lightbeings and avoid haters in the internet. If you are listening to hate, arrogance, ego, envy, you can´t find light and truth, and you stay traped in darkness.
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