mrbenio's Channel
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Welcome, viewer. This channel used to consist of Video game music tracks but it's now a Garry's Mod video series called "Abstract Distract", where I use hundreds of characters/models from hundreds of medias, which is what I want to focus my college degree on.

As of 2019, I'm trying other forms of video making like Phone Video Recordings, gameplay vids and in-general YTP. It's a seemingly permanent struggle wanting to know what content I can be motivated to work on that can satisfy both me and the public but I keep trying all the same.

I also have the Channel Memberships feature, where users can Join and help me financially per month in return for perks exclusively for Members, primarily having periodic shoutouts; the more I get known, the more you get known.

Subscribe and/or Join today and make sure to keep the bell activated for notifications on new videos!
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