Scratch a Win
Scratch a Win's Channel
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Scratch a Win
Hi, I'm Scratch a Win, a.k.a. Dave. I suffer from a heart/lung deficiency that has kept me homebound for the most part, since 2021. I've always been a fan of scratch tickets, but after my disability, my interest in them has increased tenfold as I hope to someday win a big jackpot. I began my channel early 2023 and have watched it slowly grow as I developed my own style and creative license. I have met so many nice co-creators that make up what we call the scratchcard community.

I upload a new scratch card video every day at 12:30 p.m. Pacific Time.
I also host Karaoke Night on Friday at 10:00 pm.

My new channel coin is available, if interested, e-mail me at:
Leave a name and address of where you would like the coin shipped to.
Channel donation is $20 for 1 coin, $35 for 2
I will reply with my PayPal information. I only have PayPal currently. I will accept checks too.
I will ship the coin after payment is made and give you a tracking number

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