Toy Reviews For You
Toy Reviews For You's Channel
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Toy Reviews For You
Hi there! I'm Sarah!

Welcome to my channel! This is a kid friendly channel where I review the latest toys such as My Little Pony, Orbeez, Shopkins, Littlest Pet Shop, Easy Bake Oven, Little Charmers, Paw Patrol, Play-Doh and more! My specialities are craft kits and food maker sets for kids of all ages.

I apologize but I'm not currently accepting free toy/product submissions at this time. I no longer have a PO Box. If you are interested in a sponsorship opportunity, please contact my email below.

Also, please note that I'm NOT interested in joining an MCN at this time. All MCN inquiries go right into my trash bin.

Video copying, distribution, broadcasting, commercial usage, download, additional use or transfer is expressly prohibited. For proper clearance or additional information please contact me at my email below.
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