Pop Culture KO
Greetings and welcome to Pop Culture KO! On this channel we discuss breaking news, reviews and discussion of all things related to pop culture! I am Dicktor Van Doomcock, the future ruler of Earth, broadcasting from my hidden base at the center of the Earth, and when I'm not conquering the world, I'm fighting to save pop culture from the idiots in Hollywood who are destroying it with endless remakes, reboots, and sequels! My best friend and arch nemesis is Harvey Cthuhlu, an eldritch God hellbent on destroying our universe, who I keep confined as an ultimate doomsday weapon I can release at the push of a button. and we are joined by the Skull of Calderon, the severed head of a vanquished enemy I keep contained in a bubble of entropy! Together we comment on all aspects of pop culture - movies, comics, games and more! Please subscribe and like, and check out my other channel,
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