Minnie Small
Minnie Small's Channel
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Minnie Small
Hi my loves!

I'm Minnie, and I'm an artist from South-East London. I'm basically here to work on turning our lives into whatever we want them to be, surrounding ourselves with beautiful things and seeking out inspiration in life's experiences every step of the way.

Any business enquiries, please email me at minnie@semiskimmedmin.com

·My PO Box·

Minnie Small
Studio 10138, Courier Point
13 Freeland Park
Wareham Road
Poole, Dorset
BH16 6FH

If you like what you see, feel free to check out my other work at...

my website: http://semiskimmedmin.com/
twitter: https://twitter.com/SemiSkimmedMin
instagram: http://instagram.com/minniesmall
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