ClusterPhuck Commentaries
ClusterPhuck Commentaries's Channel
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ClusterPhuck Commentaries
ClusterPhuck Commentaries
WELCOME To Our Channel

Tired of your everyday casual ripoff? ever wanted to see a ripoff of a ripoff? LOOK NO FURTHER. We here at ClusterPhuck Commentaries have no shame in saying were a blatant ripoff of a ripoff. @ ClusterPhuck Comms, we bullshit over games while talking over each other, never letting a word in. so if you enjoy a mish mash of idiots talking over games this is the place for you. Evolved from the collapsed FeelGoodComms we do an infinite range of things on this channel, from Bad fan-fiction to bad playthroughs. I hope you enjoy your stay.

We stick to 1-2 Videos a day, our ongoing current Commentaries will always be on display on the homepage in playlists. Updates are infrequent but we do try to upload regularly. if something hasnt been uploaded for awhile we apologize for lack of content.

Week Day Schedule: 1-2 Vids @ 2PM and 5PM

Mon, Wed, Friday
_________ Zeo, BSL, Kirb, Lady

Tue, Thurs, Sat
_________ Grim, Shawn, Jordan, Mufasa, Mike

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