NinjaGui10 TV (PT-BR)
NinjaGui10 TV (PT-BR)'s Channel
NinjaGui10 TV (PT-BR) has no videos available.
NinjaGui10 TV (PT-BR)
NinjaGui10 TV (PT-BR)
🍃 Secondary channel of NinjaGui10, here diverse content will be posted, that is, gameplays of games other than Minecraft will be here on this channel, there will also be the possibility of some mini vlogs being posted here. I can't promise a certain frequency on this channel, since it is the secondary one, and the focus is on the primary.

🍃 This is the channel for those who want to follow the Ninjas more closely, that is, a channel aimed at the audience that is closer and more loyal to the Ninjas!

💼 Professional Contact:
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