The Real Brits of Florida 🇬🇧
The Real Brits of Florida 🇬🇧's Channel
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The Real Brits of Florida 🇬🇧
The Real Brits of Florida 🇬🇧
Welcome to our channel where we share with you our daily lives, we vlog whatever happens, whether our day is full of activity or spent at home, you will see it all. We are not everyone's cup of tea but we do try to have fun and enjoy life.

I decided to leave NY behind and moved to Orlando, FL, to start again in my 60's. Learning to cope with life after divorce, loss of my mother and grandson, ! Follow my daily life as I Iearn to cope with it all.

Enjoy the Disney Parks with us as we get away from it all.

Have a fantastic Day - Just remember "life is not a dress rehearsal"

:) xo
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