Mr Magnétoscope
Mr Magnétoscope's Channel
Mr Magnétoscope has no videos available.
Mr Magnétoscope
This channel is the legacy of Mr Magnetoscope, one of the most respected VCR collectors and reviewers among the "VCR Community".
Here you will find VCR presentations, reviews, comparisons...and even some destruction.

Mr Magnetoscope, who made his first VCR review when he was a kid, passed away on November 22, 2020, at the age of 20, bringing with him everything he knew about VCRs.
As VCRs are becoming to be increasingly rare, this channel may constitute a testament and a precious source of information to all the fans of this technology.

You are welcome to subscibe and post comments, but questions will not be answered by the administrator of this channel.

Mr Magnetoscope's original presentation for this channel:
I collect VCRs and review and compare them.

Mr Magnetoscope has an accent. Why? He was living in Quebec City, Province of Quebec (Canada), where most people are speaking French.
What means "magnetoscope"? Magnetoscope is the French word for VCR.

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