bupatch's Channel
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Once upon a time, Beat-Up and One-Two Party are the two greatest lone-modes within Audition World, where all good and rhythm-based songs challenge people, from easy to hard. Now, with the aid of auto-generation scripts, the developers of Audition no longer release good Beat-Up / One-Two Party songs - all new songs are craps! Time has changed, as Audition Players learn their ways to make Beat-Up / One-Two Party scripts, they now have the ability to create, tweak, modify EVERY SONGS into good versions! Dedicated to Vietnam Audition (Nhịp Điệu Cuộc Sống), we, the "Beat-Up Patch Masters Team™" lead by dnxp, operate our own Official Beat-Up Patch, where people play fairly, honestly, friendly toward each other, with full Hard and Challenge BU / 1-2 Party songs, also include external features that never exist in official server. Join us, and you will feel the difference!

Our team:

- dnxp : code implementer, code maintainer, slk composer, blog/priv/ladder admin
- hclight : logo/banner designer, dds editor
- lc_lumos : community connectors, ladder manager, designer
- mrkhiem : slk composer
- ronbwl : slk composer, priv admin, idea maker, ladder manager
- tryo : 1-2 slk composer, 1-2 patch maintainer, slk composer
- crazy: slk composer (Crazy Style)
- ticanpertrum: slk composer (Natural)
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