MrTECHandHOUSE's Channel
MrTECHandHOUSE has no videos available.
MrTECHandHOUSE the source of all your Tech, House and Fidget needs...

If you are an artist and want a track or multiple tracks promoting on my channel then send me a message with a download link and ill be happy to give it a look

Also if you are an artist and have noticed one of your tracks has been upload and would wish for it to be removed please message me telling me by all means and will happily remove, PLEASE do not just flag my channel for copyright (see disclaimer at bottom)

About Me:

***I upload music for the entertainment of myself and others, i do not upload music inorder to make money nor do i upload music to take credit from the artist(s) or another channel that was the first to upload it. If i have uploaded one of your tracks then i will happily add a link to your website, youtube channel or myspace page etc. or if you are not happy that i have uploaded one of your tracks then simply send me a private message and i will remove it by all means, PLEASE DO NOT JUST REPORT MY CHANNEL***
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