riot kitty
riot kitty's Channel
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riot kitty
Welcome to the Riot Kitty Cafe! I hope you all enjoy the show!
A smol kitty trying to make her own comic and rewriting a show called RWBY.
I talk about art, writing, and design, and occasionally pop culture and video games while having lovely ladies as my representatives. Currently attempting to be more consistent and rebranding my channel after finishing RiotRWBY, my RWBY rewrite project.

Yeah, I’m an anime fan, how’d you guess?

One stream every month either the first or second week
Videos whenever I can make them, if I have multiple made it’s every other week. Normal video time is Fridays at noon CST.
COPPA, Youtube, FTC: this channel is not for children.

Rest In Peace Mister Rosco.
Twitter: riotkitty1
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