Jae Sylvr
Amateur gamer who takes games way too seriously. Mostly Marvel Contest of Champions for this channel but I enjoy many other games, and you'll see those here on occasion
Livestream Schedule: (temporarily on hold)
I may stream earlier or later, but will at minimum encompass the times of the schedule below.
Monday: 1930-2100hrs EST (7:30 PM - 9:00PM)
Thursday: 1930-2100hrs EST (7:30 PM - 9:00PM)
First Wednesday of MCOC monthly event: 4*s only completion of uncollected monthly event. (Time variable based on the month)
Livestream Schedule: (temporarily on hold)
I may stream earlier or later, but will at minimum encompass the times of the schedule below.
Monday: 1930-2100hrs EST (7:30 PM - 9:00PM)
Thursday: 1930-2100hrs EST (7:30 PM - 9:00PM)
First Wednesday of MCOC monthly event: 4*s only completion of uncollected monthly event. (Time variable based on the month)
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