Mario 2.0 SM64 Productions
Mario 2.0 SM64 Productions's Channel
Mario 2.0 SM64 Productions has no videos available.
Mario 2.0 SM64 Productions
Mario 2.0 SM64 Productions
Welcome to Mario 2.0 Productions!

Here you can find:
- Super Mario 64 Machinimas
- Retouches (Edited Songs)
- And more!

To get my CC:

If you want me to participate in any project of yours, or you want to collaborate in a video of mine, contact me at Mario 2.0 Productions#1415 in Discord through a DM.

If you want more content like this, consider commenting in my videos!

Mario 2.0 Development Team:
~ Mario 2.0 (Team Moon): Producer, Editor, Scriptwriter, Character Designer, Retoucher, Composer, Technical Assistance, etc.
~ Finbo: Editor, Retoucher, Script Polishing
~ HyperKirbo3 (Team Moon): Character Designer, Script Polishing
~ KoCat: Arranger, Piano Performer, Script Polishing
~ slight1yunseen: Character Designer
~ YogurtMaster64 (Team Moon): Retoucher
~ Alius78X (Team Moon): Editor, Character Designer
~ SDM64 (Team Moon): (TBA)
~ (Former Member) Nyx Vulcan: Retoucher

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