KarenLee Poter
KarenLee Poter's Channel
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KarenLee Poter
There are very few older female hosted youtube channels that are about dating and sex. I'm a Confident, Older, Genuine, Assertive & Racy woman - yup a "COUGAR!" Imagine a cross between Howard Stern and Dr. Ruth - that's me. My show is sexy, funny & inspiring for anyone single, married, or "it's complicated." The topics are no-holds barred & relatable with experts from friends to porn stars. TURN ON YOUR NOTIFICATIONS SO YOU DON'T MISS OUT! I treasure my subscribers, and I attempt to respond to every comment personally.
Sign up for my FREE newsletter & exclusive video http://www.karenleepoter.comhttp://eepurl.com/bdZHYX
If you'd like to support me: http://www.patreon.com/karenleeand become a member. You'll be able to connect much more personally!
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