SovereignMC (Sov)
SovereignMC (Sov)'s Channel
SovereignMC (Sov) has no videos available.
SovereignMC (Sov)
Before I say anything else, please allow me to thank you for taking time from your own day to even be here, honoring me with your presence! It truly means a lot to me that you have chosen to be here when there are literally millions of other channels that you could be spending time at! Under no circumstances should you ever feel obligated to subscribe or like any of my videos. You know how this works, so if you want to click the like button, you will. If you think I've earned your subscription, you will subscribe. Even if you don't subscribe, please feel free to return at any time to say hello again, as I am always happy to see familiar names pop up and chat with! For information regarding business inquiries and where you can send mail, etc., see the information below!

Business Inquiries: Email me at
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