Gone to the Snow Dogs
Gone to the Snow Dogs's Channel
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Gone to the Snow Dogs
Gone to the Snow Dogs
If you love the Siberian Husky breed, you have come to the right channel! Our mission here at Gone to the Snow Dogs is to show you what life with your dogs can be like! From Traveling with your Dogs, Camping with your Dogs, Making DIY Dog Treats, Dog Training Tips and advice, and other dog adventures and Dog videos, we and to help you share a better life with your dog! Call it a Pet Channel, Dog Vlog, or Dog Vloggers just come join us! Current Memphis and Kira are in our newest videos. Shelby, Oakley, and Shiloh can be seen in passed videos, as those 3 girls have passed away, but their memory lives on in all of our videos!

Our videos get posted on Tuesday and Friday!

SEND US MAIL, or Packages! They MIGHT be featured in a video!
Gone to the Snow Dogs
P.O. Box 12
Alpena, MI 49707

Our dogs have been featured all over the internet, and on television including a spot on Bad Dog on Animal Planet!
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