Slumberr's Channel
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If you're new subscribe! We make commentary videos :)

All content and the intellectual property underlying the content that appears on this YouTube account and are owned exclusively by Slumberr.

If you send creative ideas, suggestions, or other materials to us (a “Submission”), you agree that we may, at any time, without restriction, publish, distribute, or otherwise use in any medium any Submission(s), and you hereby transfer and assign any claim to any rights that you may have had in those Submission(s) to us. You are not entitled to any compensation for doing so.

We create videos that comment and criticize on videos of others. Our content involves substantial artistic undertakings and changes the nature of the underlying work(s). Our creations are protected by the ‘fair use’ doctrine of the Copyright Act.

If you believe that your intellectual property has been infringed by us, please contact us directly at before taking any heightened action.
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