GoDownsize's Channel
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GoDownsize.com is all about small spaces, home tours and our personal journey. Maria Storgaard and Morten Storgaard film tiny houses and small apartment spaces, and we interview people about the lifestyle and FREEDOM that follows. We travel around the world to find creative spaces, and we share everything with you right here, as well as on our website: GoDownsize.com.

We love space saving furniture and multi functional chairs, beds, sofas etc like Murphy beds, and we feature all the smartest furniture we can find. We also do projects like the renovation of an old camper and building our own bespoke furniture. We try to put up a video every week, and when it's not about a home it will be about our own downsizing process as a couple.

We LOVE to talk to you, and find out more about what YOU like and what inspires you. If you think we should show your home/house/apartment space here on our channel, just send us an e-mail.

Get inspired to do more with less stuff.
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