The Midnight Musician
The Midnight Musician's Channel
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The Midnight Musician
The Midnight Musician
Edit: First, let me start by saying I'm against the fascist Jair Bolsonaro, and fascism won't be tolerated here. #Elenão #ForaBolsonaroeMourão

Hello there, people on the other side of the screen!
I'm the Midnight Musician, and some call me Mid. :DD

All you need to know about me is that I'm a musician and a singer.
That's all.
If you want to talk to me (or make a collab), just send me a private message. ^^

Also, thanks for checking out this channel!

*Psssst, I love remixes of my songs, so don't be shy to send me your work! ^^

Banner by: KLY
Respondendo algo que sempre me perguntam: SIM, EU SOU BRASILEIRO! XD
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