Lorenzo Medel
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Lorenzo Medel
Lorenzo Medel received his Doctorate in Piano Performance and Literature from the Eastman School of Music. He owes his musical voice to Professors Mauricia Borromeo, Natalya Antonova, and Alexander Kobrin.

A native of the Philippines, Lorenzo actively supports Filipino music by consistently performing Filipino works in concerts and arranging music by other Filipino composers. He began piano studies at ten years old with Mauricia Borromeo at the University of the Philippines.

Currently faculty of the Piano Department at the Eastman Community Music School, Lorenzo works with students and performs in community engagement concerts in the Rochester area. He also teaches virtually, both in the US and internationally. He believes piano lessons are a conversation and are meant as a communal experience. Through skills learned in music, people can become better human beings.

Besides piano, Lorenzo is also a card magician and hopes to someday combine music and magic in concert.

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