Marco Isidori
Ciao io sono Marco,in questo canale troverete molte mie passioni ed interessi professionali e non,momenti della mia vita dedicata alla natura,animali,rettili,tartarughe,pesci,ciclidi,piante,viaggi nella natura tra il tropico del cancro e quello del capricorno,immersioni,ricerche, studio degli ambienti naturali , degli animali e piante.
Se ti piace queste cose iscriviti e sostieni il mio canale!Grazie per l'attenzione e la visita.
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Hi I am Marco, in this channel you will find many of my passions and professional interests and not, moments of my life dedicated to nature, animals, reptiles, turtles, fish, cichlids, plants, nature travels between the tropic of cancer and that of capricorn , diving, research, study of natural environments, animals and plants.
If you like these things, subscribe and support my channel!Thank you for your attention and visit.
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For info, collaborations and commercial collaborations write me an email.
Se ti piace queste cose iscriviti e sostieni il mio canale!Grazie per l'attenzione e la visita.
Entra nella community
Hi I am Marco, in this channel you will find many of my passions and professional interests and not, moments of my life dedicated to nature, animals, reptiles, turtles, fish, cichlids, plants, nature travels between the tropic of cancer and that of capricorn , diving, research, study of natural environments, animals and plants.
If you like these things, subscribe and support my channel!Thank you for your attention and visit.
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For info, collaborations and commercial collaborations write me an email.
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