Delaware Digger
Hello, my name is Terry-(DelawareDigger), and I am a Metal Detectorist. If you have property that you are interested to see what History lies beneath your feet, contact me @ - I would love to check it out, and share any finds with you...
Tools of the trade
Garrett AT PRO,ATX
Minelab CTX 3030
XP Deus
Makro Racer
Digging tools.
Predator Tools,
Piranha, Model 79 & 80
Eagle with ball end, and the 18inch version.
Pin Pointers.
Garrett Pin Pointer
Minelab Pro Pointer
Makro Pin Pointer
Camera Set Up
Go Pro Hero Session
Go Pro Hero Three +
Kampro Go pro housing
w/37mm filter, polarized filter on deck.
Peak Designs Capture Plus, and Peak Designs POV kit installed.
Panasonic DMC-TS25 LUMIX waterproof camera.
Tools of the trade
Garrett AT PRO,ATX
Minelab CTX 3030
XP Deus
Makro Racer
Digging tools.
Predator Tools,
Piranha, Model 79 & 80
Eagle with ball end, and the 18inch version.
Pin Pointers.
Garrett Pin Pointer
Minelab Pro Pointer
Makro Pin Pointer
Camera Set Up
Go Pro Hero Session
Go Pro Hero Three +
Kampro Go pro housing
w/37mm filter, polarized filter on deck.
Peak Designs Capture Plus, and Peak Designs POV kit installed.
Panasonic DMC-TS25 LUMIX waterproof camera.
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