Twinstrumental's Channel
Twinstrumental has no videos available.
Identical twin musicians Matt and Adam take your favorite songs, toss them in the blender with their own secret family recipe, and serve you music with a fresh twist using the power only possessed by identical twins. We are here to entertain you and give you playlists to loop and enjoy. We love video game music, rock, cartoon theme songs, prog… pretty much anything!

We aim to serve up between 6-8 videos a month, 1-2 of which are covers built from the ground up with all instruments performed by us and the other videos putting our spins over songs via drums and guitar.

Talk to us and tell you what songs you want to hear and what style you'd like to hear! Drum covers, guitar covers, full-band covers, fresh composition covers from the ground up - we're your one-stop shop!! Subscribe for great content. :)
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