TabbyCat LPS
TabbyCat LPS's Channel
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TabbyCat LPS
Hey! Let me introduce myself. I'm TabbyCat LPS. My favorite hobby is filming and my one of my favorite things are Littlest Pet Shops, so I put them together and got the result of being an LPSTuber. My real-life goal is to become a film director when I grow up. I got my first LPS toy for my 3rd birthday and have been consistently getting more over the years to go into my collection of more than 450 pets!
100 subscribers: April 13, 2015
1,000 subscribers: August 6, 2016
2,000 subscribers: August 21, 2016
3,000 subscribers: September 3, 2016
4,000 subscribers: October 8th, 2016
5,000 subscribers: November 29th, 2016
6,000 subscribers: January 13th, 2017
7,000 subscribers: February 22nd, 2017
8,000 subscribers: April 8th, 2017
9,000 subscribers: May 14th, 2017
10,000 subscribers: June 24th, 2017
TabbyCat LPS 2013-2020
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