analog_dreams's Channel
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Ambient music artist, visual experimental artist. Analog junkie.
Exploring the mind and presence of the electronics around us, Analog Dreams is an exploration of both analog and digital visual art. From analog distortions to glitch art to photography, miniature painting and beyond - the way computers think and process is fascinating, and it only gets better when enhanced by human direction and iteration.
Tools are becoming more and more accessible in ways that empower people that couldn’t create art easily before. I want to guide you through these powerful tools and help you become the best artist you can, without the tech and gear getting in the way.

Glitchart gear reviews, explainers, crafts and general creative videos by Addie "EposVox".

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Jeffersonville, IN 47131
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303 East Court Ave #459
Jeffersonville, IN 47130

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