Dr. Kristina Rizzotto
Dr. Kristina Rizzotto's Channel
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Dr. Kristina Rizzotto
Dr. Kristina Rizzotto
Welcome to the second channel of the international concert organist Dr. Kris Rizzotto!


Latvian Brazilian Dr. Kris Rizzotto (they/them) has played concerts in Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, and throughout the USA. They are passionate about performing works of living composers. Kris became a self-published composer after Wayne Leupold Editions published Toccata in 2014.

They were named a member of The Diapason‘s 20 Under 30 Class of 2017, which recognizes young leaders in the fields of organ, harpsichord, carillon, and church music. Dr. Rizzotto is the Director of Music at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, and was previously the organist at the Benedictine Abbey of Rio de Janeiro, built in 1590 and home of one of the oldest organs in South America.
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