If you truly believe that humans and animals are equal, then to be logically consistent you must believe in several other things.
You must be totally opposed to the death penalty, or even any type of imprisonment that confines a human being in an unnatural setting. I wonder if you have ever been to the zoo where animals are kept out of their natural habitat?
you have to be against abortion, but where is your outcry for the life of those murdered babies?
you must be against allowing a slow dying elderly man from signing a "do not resuscitate" order.
How far does this logic go? Does it extend to bugs and insects? How about plants, they are alive too? I hope you don't use any paper products.
Is that you? If not, then you're a hypocrite
You must be totally opposed to the death penalty, or even any type of imprisonment that confines a human being in an unnatural setting. I wonder if you have ever been to the zoo where animals are kept out of their natural habitat?
you have to be against abortion, but where is your outcry for the life of those murdered babies?
you must be against allowing a slow dying elderly man from signing a "do not resuscitate" order.
How far does this logic go? Does it extend to bugs and insects? How about plants, they are alive too? I hope you don't use any paper products.
Is that you? If not, then you're a hypocrite
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