ComicgeddonTV's Channel
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Comicgeddon TV, brings something to the community that was lost when Wizard Magazine became an exclusive convention promoter. And even now, Conventions are occurring to often they're losing attendance. But Comicgeddon TV is there to fill the gap.
We focus on Dramatically narrating comic books panel by panel in a similar manner as Comicstorian.
We focus on bringing to you the history of lesser known characters and publishers similar to Comics Explained.
We focus on bringing you Toy and Funko Pop Reviews in the same manner as The Review Spot.
We focus on comic book reviews in the same manner as Caped Joel.
We Focus on TV show and Movie Reviews similar to Jeremy Jahns or Chris Stuckmann.
We focus on Horror like Hermie and StitchedTogetherPics.
We hope to not only build our audience but also our team of creators. When we say that Comicgeddon TV is where All Geek Culture Collides, we mean it.
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