Lazardi Wong Jogja
Lazardi Wong Jogja's Channel
Lazardi Wong Jogja has no videos available.
Lazardi Wong Jogja
A history mapping channel dedicated for the Southeast Asian region, particularly Nusantara or the Malay Archipelago.

Is managed by a history major who has been a fan of the field since his childhood days, and is still delving into it.

None of the videos here are entirely accurate, of course, because of the nature of history itself, which have many interpretations and perspectives. Although, I can assure that my researches on each videos will always be done as objective as possible. Among the way is by "combining" references from various, different perspectives. My main goal on making these videos is for visualization of various historical events, through a geographical approach (map).

If anyone have recommended sources, or wanted to collaborate, or asking stuffs, etc., please write down in the comments, or approach me on Instagram.

I hope everyone who stop by here, can rest for a while and enjoy some fruits.

~ M. Lazuardi K.
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