The Shell Show
The Shell Show's Channel
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The Shell Show
The Shell Show is the only (well-produced) talk show that focuses on interviews with Superheroes, Super Villains, and people Shell has run over with his car!

MARVEL as Shell asks tough questions to members of the AVENGERS, the JUSTICE LEAGUE, the X-MEN, and YOUR MOM'S BUNKO GROUP!!
THRILL at the backstage shenanigans of guests such as IRON MAN, SUPERMAN, CAPTAIN AMERICA, FLASH, PUNISHER, and FRANK STALLONE!!
SWOON as Shell seduces women young and old, including POWER GIRL, BLACK CANARY, PSYLOCKE, and probably YOUR MOM!!
GASP as Shell performs death-defying acts with the likes of THOR, GREEN LANTERN, BLACK PANTHER, and TED DANSON!!
PONDER as Shell explores the mysteries of the universe with THE RIDDLER, AQUAMAN, DAREDEVIL, and RON POPIEL!!
TELL your friends and family to watch The Shell Show, otherwise they'll never understand you as a human!!
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