Zenith Collection
Zenith Collection's Channel
Zenith Collection has no videos available.
Zenith Collection
Zenith Collection. Affiliated with Zenith Visuals. One of the most unique design teams on You-Tube.

App Information,

Yes we are letting you guys send applications to the arts team. This does not mean we are picking up a heaping amount of people or we may not pick anyone up at all. This just means that we will be able to see your work no matter how under-rated you are.


Must use our intro. (Coming soon)
Must be a speed art over 1:30. (Unless an intro)
Must be pm'd to the Zenith Collection channel using the title "App."

Lastly, we do not sell spots into our team. Don't ever ask.
Channel Comments
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userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 0.50 main response parse finish at: 1.10 getAdditionalSections finish at: 1.20 applyHTML finish at: 1.20