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What does the Bible really say? What does your dogma teach you? This channel explores the various parts of Christian dogma, verses, and fundamentalists beliefs that are either denied, lied about, misinterpreted, or just ignored in order to bend scripture and dogma into a shape that most fits one's own version of his or her's god.
I encourage anyone visiting my channel to leave a comment. I also encourage everyone to leave a comment or open up a dialogue with other users in the comment sections of my videos.
What does the Bible really say? What does your dogma teach you? This channel explores the various parts of Christian dogma, verses, and fundamentalists beliefs that are either denied, lied about, misinterpreted, or just ignored in order to bend scripture and dogma into a shape that most fits one's own version of his or her's god.
I encourage anyone visiting my channel to leave a comment. I also encourage everyone to leave a comment or open up a dialogue with other users in the comment sections of my videos.
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