LilacSonata / RIKU
LilacSonata / RIKU's Channel
LilacSonata / RIKU has no videos available.
LilacSonata / RIKU
Holla, awesome pplz!☆

I'm Riku, and thank you for visiting my channel!

☂ an awkward alpaca: i'm not the most talktative youtaite around even when i've tried to. I easily got nervous when talking to other awesome youtaites. (┳◇┳)

☂ loves rain, good books, tea, rainbows, cute stuffs, and ikemen voices (YES PUHREAZE. /////)

☂ crossing my fingers for detailed critics! I will try to improve myself! \(´▽`)/

☂ sing both vocaloid and anime songs, but mostly vocaloid.

☂ can sing in japanese, english, and indonesian. But almost always in japanese.


● Request Closed! ●


Please check my SoundCloud as well~!

┳┻|⊂ノ ...ehe.
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