TP Percival
TP Percival's Channel
TP Percival has no videos available.
TP Percival
The Name's TP Percival (please can you refer me by that nickname). I do UK VHS/DVD/Game openings for archive purposes and I do logo remakes as well as some gameplays.

I am also a founder of Company Bumpers Wiki, as well as Warner Bros. Entertainment Wiki and Sony Pictures Entertainment Wiki (link below). And I also have a Wikia account as well as the wikifoundry.

These are several rules that you must obey:

1. Do not use my name in a Video Title without my permission.
2. Do not steal any of my videos. I can get really ticked off if any idiot steals some of mine!
3. Strong language is strictly forbidden. Keep it PG rated
4. Keep very negative comments to yourself, otherwise I will automatically delete them.

Failure to obey any of my rules, you will be either be reported or banned from my channel.

Deadpan Snarker: Most of the time.

Other than that, enjoy my videos!
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