Wheelchair21's Channel
Wheelchair21 has no videos available.
Come check out the official channel for me, Wheelchair21 the Cripple of Personality a.k.a. the Kamen Roller! Here one can see my various V-Logs, and Reviews! My reviews are a mix between products like basic retail toys, high-end collectibles, and home video releases. A majority of these items pertain to the kaiju-eiga/ tokusatsu genre, but on occasion I look at some anime titles and wrestling.

People can also contact or follow me on other social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. In addition, people can follow my other content that I provide for my website, Hero-Club.com! Also an easy way to find out more about Hero Club is to search for the site on social media with @HeroClub4Life... Anyways, thanks for tuning into my channel and I hope everyone enjoys the content I provide!
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