the channel for poké-sprite fans.
"when the rich wage war, it's the poor who die" (linkin park)
It is true that a shot never fired is a miss...but a missed shot just means you lost ammo.
If you never shoot, then at least you still have the bullet ;D (DarkNe0s)
"live your life now" (marylin monroe)
"if you can work, you have to work. if you can't work, someone's going to help you. if you don't want to work, you'll be punished!"(P V V, a political group in NL)
"The purpose of war is not to die for your country, but let the other bastard die for his."
(call of duty 1)
CHECK OUT MY VIDS AND SPRITES. if you like them, subscribe!
upcoming vids:
-300 subs special ~ new über/main
"when the rich wage war, it's the poor who die" (linkin park)
It is true that a shot never fired is a miss...but a missed shot just means you lost ammo.
If you never shoot, then at least you still have the bullet ;D (DarkNe0s)
"live your life now" (marylin monroe)
"if you can work, you have to work. if you can't work, someone's going to help you. if you don't want to work, you'll be punished!"(P V V, a political group in NL)
"The purpose of war is not to die for your country, but let the other bastard die for his."
(call of duty 1)
CHECK OUT MY VIDS AND SPRITES. if you like them, subscribe!
upcoming vids:
-300 subs special ~ new über/main
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