Santosh Kuppens
Santosh Kuppens's Channel
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Santosh Kuppens
A lost soul, swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.


Dear visitor,

Music can be written down, with notes for example. It is the task of a musician to bring those notes alive, give them colour, flavour, feeling and meaning.

I am merely an amateur bedroom guitarist in a constant attempt to do so.

Take a brake from life and enjoy my covers, as well as some of my own content.
Feel free to leave a comment or some (constructive) critique.

Kind regards,


It is thanks to my dad that I started playing the guitar. It is my dad who introduced me to Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Bruce Springsteen and many more of those artists who produced some fine music.

Thanks dad, love you. (Mama, ik zie ik u ook graag, zelle.. xx)
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