Sandra H.
Sandra H.'s Channel
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Sandra H.
✿╮I SPEAK FOR THE Voiceless!!
I'm vegetarian since my childhood AND I'M HEALTH!
So it is really a big nonsense to say that the human need to eat meat to stay health!
I will not eat anything that walks, runs, skips, hops or crawls!
Animals are my friends,and I do not eat my friends!

I bless all living things ♥ Every person ♥ Every animal ♥ Every plant ♥
I bless nature♥ And the entire universe♥ I wish abundance and peace for all♥

♥If I could be God for just one day, I would take all of the world's pain and suffering away. There would be no wars to ravage the souls of man, we would all work together, one by one, hand in hand. Prejudice and hatred could not be found, all the world over love and harmony would abound. there would be no hunger, no lack and no need. There would be no homeless people to wander the streets, digging through garbage for something to eat. There would be no prisons for there would be no crime. There would be no need for man to serve time.
Hugs & Peace♥
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