Games Done Quick
Games Done Quick's Channel
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Games Done Quick
Games Done Quick showcases high-level gameplay, through its charity marathons, and its weekly content.

Games Done Quick has a series of charity video game marathons. These events feature high-level gameplay by speedrunners raising money for charity. Teaming up with several charities in its ten-year history, Games Done Quick is currently the largest individual fundraising event globally for both Prevent Cancer Foundation and Doctors Without Borders USA.

To date, Games Done Quick has raised over 30 million dollars for charity. Our events average over 3000 people in attendance, including staff, volunteers, runners, and attendees!

The GDQ HOTFIX is our weekly speedrunning content, with over 20 different shows that showcase excellence in speedrunning and the community in different ways. If you're interested in speedruns, or speedrunning adjacent content, such as randomizers, high score challenges, and other challenge runs, check out

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