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SEGADriven is a SEGA news and information source that focuses on SEGA's console history, retro games and new software hitting the shelves soon. We want to share a love of great, quirky, clever and down-right fun games - something that SEGA have always specialised in. Our YouTube channel covers enthusiast subjects like fan games, mods, the homebrew scene and retro game features. Please visit our website if you would like to read about the latest SEGA news.
SEGADriven is a SEGA news and information source that focuses on SEGA's console history, retro games and new software hitting the shelves soon. We want to share a love of great, quirky, clever and down-right fun games - something that SEGA have always specialised in. Our YouTube channel covers enthusiast subjects like fan games, mods, the homebrew scene and retro game features. Please visit our website if you would like to read about the latest SEGA news.
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