tylercansingandcheeranddance productions
tylercansingandcheeranddance productions's Channel
tylercansingandcheeranddance productions has no videos available.
tylercansingandcheeranddance productions
tylercansingandcheeranddance productions
Welcome to my channel! Here are my video postings

Every Monday: Character gets scared of the logo (Releasing at 9 AM Pacific USA Time) and a Freestyle (Releasing at 9 PM Pacific USA Time)

Every Tuesday: A Salute Video (Releasing at 9 AM Pacific USA Time) and My opinion on a show (Releasing at 9 PM Pacific USA Time)

Every Wednesday: A Freestyle Video (Releasing at 9 AM Pacific USA Time) and my opinion on a song (Releasing at 9 PM Pacific USA Time)!

Every Thursday: A Rant Video (Releasing at 9 AM Pacific USA Time) and my opinion on a movie (Releasing at 9 PM Pacific USA Time)

Every Friday: Freestyles (Releasing at 9 AM and PM Pacific USA Time)

Every Saturday: VLOGS (Releasing at 9 AM Pacific USA Time and will cover highlights in one week) & a Freestyle (Releasing at 9 PM Pacific USA Time and will cover all highlights under category

Every Sunday: Freestyles (Releasing at 9 AM and PM Pacific USA Time)
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