Kazuya Yoshii
Kazuya Yoshii's Channel
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Kazuya Yoshii
Since 1989, with the current lineup, THE YELLOW MONKEY was initiated, as vocalist and guitarist. Although the band went on hiatus in 2001, they reunited in 2016 and performed at the Tokyo Dome in 2017, 2020, and 2024. In 2003, he made a solo debut, with international musicians such as Troy Van Leeuwen (Queens of the Stone Age), Josh Freese (Foo Fighters), Alain Johannes (Eleven), Patrick Sansone (Wilco), James Gadson, and Leland Sklar participating in recordings and live performances. He released songs such as 'Chozetsu☆Dynamic!' (opening theme for the TV anime 'Dragon Ball Super') and 'Mirai no Uta' (2021 Disney+ commercial song). Since 2001, they have appeared a total of seven times at the John Lennon Super Live and have a deep friendship with Yoko Ono. Recently, they have provided songs for KinKi Kids and BiSH.
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