John Troutman
John Troutman's Channel
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John Troutman
John Troutman has been playing the piano for over 50 years. His music is relaxing and meditative. Some have described John's piano playing as "Music for the Soul". John was born in Chicago, Illinois, and began piano at age 8. His first teacher confided in John's parents that the young lad showed promise to be a Concert Artist one day. After many teachers and much formal training, the prediction of John's first piano teacher came true. In the 1970's and 80's John performed an average of 125 concerts per year. John's Performance Venues include: The Duke Mansion, Financial Women's International, Christian Businessmen International, John has opened for the Charlotte Symphony 5 Times. Currently John spends most of his time in the Studio. His album "51 Instrumental Hymns" is frequently on the Amazon Best Sellers list in the genre Digital Music, Albums, Christian, Instrumental.
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