MorriconeRocks's Channel
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This site celebrates the genius of ENNIO MORRICONE, the greatest composer in film history.

Ennio's 400+ scores cover many styles: the spanish surf of his 'spaghetti westerns'; the kinky demonic masses of his horror films; the bent psychedelia of his counterculture scores; the avant-garde delirium of his thrillers ("Giallos"); the sultry lounge jazz of his adult romances and comedies; the driving rhythms of his adventure and intrigue films; the ethereal beauty of his haunting work with soprano Edda Dell'Orso; and far more...

Ennio's influence on pop music is massive. The Doors, The Damned, Blondie, The Clash, Adam Ant, Wall of Voodoo, Crime & the City Solution, Nick Cave, John Zorn, Pixies, Tom Waits, Portishead, Stereolab, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Metallica, Hooverphonic, Cinerama, Goldfrapp, Gnarls Barkley, Calexico, "KILL BILL", Muse and countless more reflect his innovations.

Use this site's PLAYLISTs as a primer to Ennio Morricone and his composer friends/rivals!!
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