Trains, Trains, and More Trains
Rail Videographer based in the Chicagoland region, mainly the southwest suburbs.
Videos should be uploaded every Monday and Thursday. Any days without videos probably means I haven't been out too much.
Due to a glitch in my video editing software, some clips are repeated in videos. Some of these issues were resolved by the YouTube video editor, though YouTube fails to cut the video and only cuts the audio for these edits. Let me know via my email address if you find any of the videos. Thanks in advance
Videos should be uploaded every Monday and Thursday. Any days without videos probably means I haven't been out too much.
Due to a glitch in my video editing software, some clips are repeated in videos. Some of these issues were resolved by the YouTube video editor, though YouTube fails to cut the video and only cuts the audio for these edits. Let me know via my email address if you find any of the videos. Thanks in advance
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