Papa Gord the Canadian Santa Claus
Papa Gord the Canadian Santa Claus's Channel
Papa Gord the Canadian Santa Claus has no videos available.
Papa Gord the Canadian Santa Claus
Papa Gord the Canadian Santa Claus
When this channel first started it was all review based, as time has gone on the focus has changed a few times but to the channel’s core is the strength of a good G-string! You could say that apparently some know me as the Livestream guy. Seriously, all my old content is still here for the viewing, so Star Wars is still my first love, I am feeling a shift in how and what the future holds for me as a collector. Think of this as a visual guide to a rookie collector. But we still talk Star Wars the Black Series and G.I. Joe Classified plus a ton more... Later eh!

If you'd like to help the channel grow you can always join the channel membership and support the channel monthly or...
You can always buy me a coffee at

Instagram @papa_gordcsc

#starwars #blackseries #hasbroblackseries #bobafett #obiwankenobi #livestream #gijoeclassified #gijoeclassifiedseries
#detroitredwings #tron #captainamerica

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