Will Wright once said that Youtube is a collection of the world's dreams.
Consider this my own. This channel is for creative projects I want to share with the internet. I am not here for views, fame, or money. Although those would be nice.
I am here just to create content and hopefully entertain people in the process. Even if my videos never break 100 views, that doesn't matter. If one person finds my channel at least somewhat entertaining. Then I did what I sought out to do.
Sit back, chill, and enjoy some content. Also check below for other youtubers, finez peeps.
Consider this my own. This channel is for creative projects I want to share with the internet. I am not here for views, fame, or money. Although those would be nice.
I am here just to create content and hopefully entertain people in the process. Even if my videos never break 100 views, that doesn't matter. If one person finds my channel at least somewhat entertaining. Then I did what I sought out to do.
Sit back, chill, and enjoy some content. Also check below for other youtubers, finez peeps.
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