ilovegreenthings87's Channel
ilovegreenthings87 has no videos available.
Some people wonder about my channel name.
Hell, I wonder about my channel name.
I was high at the time I made it and now I can't change it.
So that's that.

I cover songs.

Name: Super-Saiyajin Wei
Age: Infinite
Race: Saiyajin
Hair: Black/Gold
Eyes: Black/Green
Languages: All

Yeah, that's right.
Because knowing "hello" in every single language obviously means I know all of them, duh.

Mic - AT2020! BAM!!!
Mixing - Adobe Audition CS 5.5

Hi, I am a Super Saiyan.
I shoot fireballs and energy beams and shit.
I like to fish 800 pound tunas and wrestle dinosaurs.
Friends with a talking cat that gives me beans and a pig that watches porn.
Oh yeah, a green dude, a fat blue bug.
Also died and came back from hell.
Let's see... oh!
I can also destroy multiple planets and probably wipe out an entire galaxy with just one finger.
So yeah you know, I'm pretty awesome.
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